Good Shepherd Parish

42 Streich Avenue, Kelmscott

Weekend Mass 

8:30am - Sunday (Latin Tridentine Mass), 10:00am & 6:00pm - Sunday (English)

6:00pm - Saturday (English)  8:00pm (Neo-Cathecumenal Way)

Weekday Mass

8:00am - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday

6:30pm - Thursday 

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

8:30am - 9:30am every Wednesday after 8:00 am mass followed by Benediction at 09:30 am 


5:00pm to 6:00pm - Saturday

Parish Priest

Rev. Fr. Pavol Herda

Parish Secretary

Mrs. Sandra Quadros


Good Shepherd, we come to you today,

asking for your guidance and protection.

We pray that you will lead us in the right direction,

and that you will keep us safe from harm.

We ask that you will watch over us,

and guide us through the difficult times.

We pray that you will give us strength,

and that you will help us to be kind and compassionate.

We thank you for your love and care,

and we ask that you will continue to bless us,

now and always.


20241020 - Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B.pdf



Be still and know that I am God.” - Psalm 46:10

Carve out a few extra minutes every week to be still before God in our Adoration Chapel.  Quiet your heart that you might hear His hear speak.  The more our hearts are inflamed with love for Christ, then charity and mercy will flow from us as we encounter our family, friends, co-workers, neighbours and all who we meet. Come to Him with all your concerns and worries; your hopes and desires; your fears and unmet dreams and place it all before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.  Quietly sit in His Presence.  Gaze upon Him as He tenderly gazes upon you. 

Our parish has been blessed to have a Perpetual Adoration Chapel.  We also have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Wednesday morning after the 8:00am mass with the Cenacle of prayer recited (Marian movement of priests) followed by Benediction at 9:30 am. 

Please make time for our dear Lord.



The Columbarium at our Parish is a sacred place on our parish property for the interment, following cremation, of the ashes of parishioners & their immediate family. 

Those who choose the Columbarium as a final resting place for themselves, or for a loved one, may choose to do so in the knowledge that they - are being laid to rest in the grounds of the parish church that they have loved and served in life, and are near to their church, perpetuating a rewarding and life-long relationship.  

If you are interested and would like further information, please contact the parish office on 94951489 or send us an email at

A 'BRING THEM - DON'T BIN THEM' CAMPAIGN (Promoted by the Traditional Mass Community)

Bring in your 10c refundable drink containers to our collection point, don’t put them in your home rubbish bin.  Funds raised will go to the support of destitute children of Kolkata in India, Benin and Nigeria in Africa.  

One container will provide a basic meal for a child in India or go toward a safe haven for young girls in Africa. Could you spare them just one can each Sunday? 

See new BLUE wheelie bin collection point. 


Parish School

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